Holistic Health
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person -- body, mind, spirit, and emotions -- in the quest for optimal health and wellness.
Reams’ Biological Theory of Ionization (is a mouthful, so RBTI works), provides a clear snapshot of your body’s health – just like you would take your car to a mechanic for service, your body needs to be maintained as well.
Herbal medicine, also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine, refers to using a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes.

“All disease begins in the gut” – It’s a quote attributed to the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates nearly 2500 years ago. Well he wasn’t far off. Every time we eat or drink or expose ourselves to chemicals and hormones, we are either feeding disease or fighting it! Isn’t that amazing?.
Your gut is linked to nearly every facet of your health, from your immune system to your mood. The road to health is paved with good intestines! Gut health is the key to overall health.
Check out our website that is dedicated to Colon Cleanse and other detox services!
What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Everyone can benefit from colon hydrotherapy. You might have heard it called colonic irrigation, colonic, high colonic or colon lavage. Its origin dates back as far as 1500 BC in Egypt. Colon hydrotherapy has been one of the techniques used to maintain health by chiropractors and naturopaths during this century. Colon hydrotherapy is the cleansing of the colon by gentle water pressure to wash out or detoxify the large intestine of stagnated fecal material. In a colon hydrotherapy session, the water is infused via a tube inserted in the anus and the dislodged waste material leaves via the waste tube. This is done in a professional, private therapy room with just you and the therapist. You remain beneath a cover throughout the session to help maintain your dignity. During the process, reflexology, and acupressure, may be used to aid in relaxation and release. Your therapist will make you feel comfortable and at ease. The session starts by lying on your left side then moving to your back. It is recommended that your first session be immediately followed by a second session the next day. A cleansing schedule that is right for you will be discussed after your first session.
I am here to offer you the following services
In person as well as virtually:
- * Holistic Health (Naturopathic consultation)
- * RBTI
- * Restore Your Health with Hamri
- * Herbal medicine
- * Guided Whole Body Detox and Fasting program
- * Body Typing- Biochemical Individualism
- * Vagus Nerve Stimulation using REZZIMAX
- * Colon Hydrotherapy
Each program and service focus on identifying the root cause of your problem through a detailed evaluation, intake, and consultation. I take each finding to give each individual a
person-centered assessment result and a guide to well-being.
The simple road map that I use :
Initial consult ======>Intake ======> Evaluate intake for recommendation ======> Suggest protocols to follow ======> Re-evaluate
I welcome you to take this journey with me, and look forward to serving you on your path to
Optimal Wellness.
Again, Transform your health! Cleanse, purify and recharge your body with me!
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!

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